Huntington, New York
February 5 Huntington Crescent Club in Huntington, New York announces plans to rearrange and consolidate their east and west courses as part of a reorganization of the club out of bankruptcy. [Brooklyn Eagle, February 5, 1939] Editorial Note: The “Huntington Beach Club, Long Is.” is noted in a March 31, 1981 letter from Press Maxwell recalling courses that his father worked on. Maxwell’s nephew, Also, Morton Woods, Jr., recalled working with Maxwell on the Huntington Crescent Club course in interviews with Chris Clouser for his book “The Midwest Associate” (2006). It is assumed that Maxwell’s work at Huntington Crescent Club occurred in 1939-1940 when he was working on Long Island courses after the great hurricane of 1938. Accordingly, while Maxwell is not mentioned, it seems a strong possibility that he carried out the work described in this article.