Paducah, Kentucky
April 22 Plans announced for remodeling an existing 9-hole course at Lincoln Homestead Park in Paducah, Kentucky. “Suggestions made by Perry Maxwell, one of the country’s leading golf course architects, in the building of a golf course at Kentucky Dam Village, were applied in the redesigning of the Lincoln Homestead course.” [Stanford (KY) Interior Journal, April 24, 1952] Editorial Note: Perry and Press Maxwell are sometimes credited with an 18-hole course at Lincoln Homestead. However, it is not clear whether either Perry or Press had any direct involvement with the redesign other than “suggestions” made on the Kentucky Dam project that were applied to Lincoln Homestead.
Unknown 18-hole course at Lincoln Homestead Park in Paducah, Kentucky opens. [https://parks.ky.gov/golf/courses/lincoln-homestead/; http://parks.ky.gov/parks/recreationparks/lincoln-homestead/history.aspx] Editorial Note: Perry and Press Maxwell are sometimes credited with an 18-hole course at Lincoln Homestead. However, it is not clear whether either Perry or Press had any direct involvement with the redesign other than “suggestions” made on the Kentucky Dam project that were applied to Lincoln Homestead.