Lawrence, Kansas
July 24 Work starts “on a new 18-hole golf course for Lawrence Country Club. Axes were purchased and men went into 48 acres of new ground to clear it of brush and small trees. Next will follow seeding of the ground, then a complete change in fairways and grass greens. The additional ground, north of the present course, was purchased last year making a total of 128.5 acres in the entire tract.” The project is to be completed by April 1, 1936. “At that point, the members will a completely new course with all holes rearranged… The new course was designed by J.T. Riggs-Miller who is an expert at such work. Actual construction will be under the direction of Perry Maxwell, Ardmore, Oklahoma, who has redesigned many courses in eastern states in recent years.” [Lawrence Daily Journal World, July 24, 1935] Editorial Note: The reference to “J.T. Riggs-Miller” is almost certainly a typographical error and should be T.H. Riggs-Miller, who was a landscape and golf course architect.
September 23 Grading and preparatory work on greens at Lawrence County Club is nearing completion and seeding is expected in next ten days. [Lawrence Journal-World, September 23, 1935]
May 30 New Lawrence County Club course opens. [Lawrence Journal-World, May 26, 1936]

Septmber 10, 1948, USGS