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The centerpiece of the PERRY MAXWELL ARCHIVE is the creation of a timeline detailing the events of Maxwell's life and the golf courses he touched.  While his work as a golf course architect is undoubtedly the primary focus of the timeline, an understanding of the non-golf aspects of Maxwell's life provide needed context to that work and helps paint a more accurate picture of who Maxwell was, where he came from and how he became one of the most influential golf course designers of the Golden Age.  Hopefully this timeline provides insight into both his professional career and his personal life.


To the extent possible, the source materials supporting timeline entries are linked so that readers have an opportunity to view them and interpret their relevancy on their own.  Just click on any underlined source reference and the source will appear in a separate window.  In some instances, the source materials are in more than one link in the same citation.  If the hand disappears and then reappears when your mouse moves across an underlined reference, that means there are multiple links that will need to be opened in order to view the full source materials.


Photo Perry Young.JPG

Young Perry Maxwell (photo courtesy of Chris Clouser)

Diligent effort has been given to reflect dates as accurately as possible based on the information contained in the source materials.  However, exact dates can not always be determined.  In many instances, only a year, a season or a month is indicated.  If only the year is known, the entry is generally included in the timeline at the beginning of the applicable year, subject to placement elsewhere in that year as common sense may dictate.  A similar practice is used for entries where only the season (i.e., winter, spring, summer and fall) or month can be identified from the source materials.The timeline is intended to be a factual reflection of the source materials with no bias or interpretation.  There are almost certainly entries which are not accurate.  However, we prefer allowing readers to draw their own conclusions with respect to the merits of source materials rather than making such judgments for them.  That being said, editorial notes are sometimes included at the end of entries providing additional context, explanation or reasoning which readers may find helpful in their analysis.


Start your journey through the timeline by clicking on one of the chronological tabs below.

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