(a/k/a Veenker Golf Course)
Ames, Iowa
June 6 “Tentative plans” for an 18-hole golf course on the Iowa State University campus in Ames, Iowa have been formulated by Maxwell, “who has gone over the proposed area with college athletic officials.” Final plans for the golf course will be drawn up if additional lands can be acquired by the University. [Ames Daily Tribune, June 6, 1935]
August Preliminary work on Iowa State University course in Ames, Iowa begins with tree removal. [Ames Daily Tribune, April 29, 1938]
December WPA assistance begins at Iowa State University course and continues through to completion. [Ames Daily Tribune, April 29, 1938]
July 19 Press Maxwell returns home to Ardmore after two months in Ames, Iowa working with his father on the Iowa State University golf course. [Daily Ardmoreite, July 19, 1946; Daily Ardmoreite, July 20, 1936]
October 3 Maxwell has “just returned” to Oklahoma from Ames, Iowa where the layout of the Iowa State University golf course has been completed. [The Daily Oklahoman, October 4, 1936]
Summer 800 truckloads of sod are placed on the hills at the Iowa State University course “which were eroding.” [Ames Daily Tribune, April 29, 1938]
May 12 Iowa State University golf course in Ames, Iowa officially opens. All fairways are irrigated and course includes a 22,225 sf. practice green which is described as “the largest in the world.” [Ames Daily Tribune, May 10, 1938] Maxwell is present at the dedication ceremonies. [The Courier (Waterloo, IA), May 13, 1938]

April 29, 1938, Ames Daily Tribune